
La Casita Verde is an innovative green space for the community to learn about and participate in permaculture and the soil food web. The green space will support urban agriculture, soil rehabilitation, water reclamation, a discovery lab as well as events for skill sharing and community building around healthy living.



Membership Eligibility: Any person regardless of race, creed, color or sexual orientation. Membership does not come with an individual plot.

Dues: Per Person: $25/per year due by end of May each year

Meeting Times: Steering Committee will meet once a month, or as needed.

Meeting Place: in the garden or via videoconferencing

Decision Making:

At all meetings of the Steering Committee, a simple majority of the Steering Committee must be present in person or by proxy to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority of the quorum is needed to pass any decision. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the Steering Committee members present or represented may adjourn the meeting or continue with unofficial business.

New plans or changes to existing plans can only be put into effect and implemented with a vote and approval of the Steering Committee. This includes bylaws, membership, rules, physical space (facilities), and operations. Failure to do so can lead to termination of membership.



For La Casita Verde and our community to flourish, it is absolutely essential that we all follow these rules and regulations. Thank you for your cooperation.

1. We are a community — respect each other, our neighbors and the neighborhood. We must work together to assure the continued growth of La Casita Verde, the community and ourselves.

2. Members are responsible for cleaning up after themselves; the space should look as clean, if not cleaner, than how it was found.

3. No materials should be stored on the lot without permission of Steering Committee. If materials are not put to use within 1 week or 7 days then they must be removed immediately from the site.

4. Each member is required to pay annual dues of $25 per person. Membership dues pay for maintenance and operation expenses. These are collected in the spring at beginning of the season each year by the Treasurer.

5. Membership meetings are your opportunity to learn about garden activities and make your voice heard. It is the responsibility of each individual member to keep informed of the issues and concerns facing the garden. Notify a member of the steering committee if you cannot attend. Meeting notes will be made available via our member email list.

6. Our garden’s ability to thrive — and succeed in carrying out our mission — depends on the active, ongoing involvement of our members. With this in mind, every member must fulfill their 15 hours work service per month during the season (May-October) as well as attend work days when called (typically once a month during the season).

7. To become a member you must follow the guidelines of the new membership policy. Membership does not grant access to an individual plot in La Casita Verde.

 8. A parent must sign a waiver for a minor (child under 18) who is working in the garden. Form are available at the garden or on our website.

9. Every member must sign in and sign out when working a shift. There is a notebook in La Casita for signing in and out.

10. If you cannot make a scheduled shift when you are to open the garden, make arrangements with another garden member to take your place. If you are unable to find a replacement, alert a Steering Committee member at least 24 hours in advance. Not showing up may mean the garden is closed when it should be open.

11. Your community service responsibilities always come first. Only active members are allowed benefits of harvest, cured compost and ability to request events in the space.

12. Only members are allowed to propose additions or renovations to the space. If the proposal is supported by the majority of members then it will be forwarded to the Steering Committee for discussion and a vote.

13. Members must speak with a Steering Committee member before purchasing items for the garden if they want to be reimbursed.

14. If other groups are interested in using the garden (school groups, community groups, block associations) they must contact a member of the Steering Committee to make a request at least a week in advance. The Steering Committee must approve of the date and activity.

15. Flowers, herbs and vegetables from La Casita Verde are for the members to share at harvest time. 

16. Tools and supplies are available for all gardeners. Please be sure that you and any children you are supervising clean and return tools to the proper storage area when finished working. Tools and supplies may not be removed from the property.

17. Training in composting will occur at orientation. Ask a Steering Committee member for a refresher as needed. Compost is available for everyone to share and will be distributed by the Steering Committee.

18. Please stay on the paths or unplanted soil.

19. Pets are allowed in the front common area only and must be on a leash. Absolutely no dogs are to go beyond the front common area, even when on a leash. You must clean up after your dog.

20. Keys or lock code are for members who are active in the garden (i.e., attend monthly meetings, work days and open hours). Members can come and go as they want and enjoy the garden outside of open hours. Members cannot have a social gathering (i.e. bring more than three guests during non-open hours) without written permission from the Steering Committee. Members must receive approval from Steering Committee for a social gathering, public or private, at least 24 hours in advance of the event.

21. To avoid injury, as well as damage to garden plants and property, no running is permitted in the garden.

22. Parent/caretakers must ensure that children understand and follow all rules and regulations. Children under the age of eighteen may not be in the garden without having a parent or caretaker in the garden.

23. During winter months, we are required to clear snow and ice from the sidewalks. The Steering Committee will contact members to help as needed.

Enforcement of Rules and Regulations

Note: This applies to both adults and children.

All members are responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations. If you see any individual breaking a rule, you should speak to them and/or notify the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee reserves the right to revoke the membership of any member who repeatedly fails to comply with these rules and regulations.

Members will receive a verbal warning upon their first offense. A written warning will be issued after the second offense. If there is a third offense, the member must give up their membership.